I am getting ready for the inktober: making lists, trying papers and pens, choosing what to draw for a month... Will I treat this as an additional separate project or try and incorporate the technique into other projects I have in progress? Will I follow the prompts (there are so many good ones these days - and official list too!) What rules will I make for myself?
A Festival of Seasonal Veggies
6 months in
About six months ago - when Covid quarantine started I made a document for a “list of things to remember to do when this is over”. I stopped adding things to it by mid-June I think and completely forgot about it by July. Today I opened the document, crossed things that were done, moved the rest to other plans, and closed the document.
Sketching While Waiting
I took the nonagenarian to see her eye doctor and had a wonderful time in the waiting room. First - the air was purified and easy to breathe despite double masks (one mask for the smoke and another for the covid). Outside I could not see most of what is usually there: San Jose was very smoky with AQI above 200 because of all the fires along the West Coast. And the waiting room had some people for me to sketch!