morning drawing

morning drawing, originally uploaded by apple-pine.

A. woke up rather early - and after a little struggle I realized that it will be better to get up and spend this morning with him and not under my pillow wishing for more sleep. He gave me two pencils (orange and blue - he is making color choices for me again:) and told me to draw - and that's what I did ;)

Windy day. Lots of cketches. Some words ;)

It was an incredibly windy day. Temperature was ok BUT WIND!!! I usually carry lots of things in case if we end up in San Francisco in the middle of summer - hat, wool sweater, warm socks, hoodie shirt ;) And this was the day we put EVERYTHING on ;) Gathered a nice group of kids in the park and had a wonderful day in spite the weather ;)

Click on the image to see larger version, read text (if interested) and some notes ;)

SF Zoo Visit

SF Zoo Visit: birds, originally uploaded by apple-pine.

It's been a while ') We had a blast at the zoo, I did quite a few sketches - even with cold wind and a toddler on the loose ;)

SF Zoo Visit: Pig profile SF Zoo Visit: Pig

SF Zoo Visit SF Zoo Visit: giraffes

Click on images to see them larger and with some additional notes ;)


Another self-portrait after run - playing with the Pentel Brush pens after a very nice run ;)
Kid's tempera
And a double attempt at using my son's tempera per his request to paint "immediately with me - right now, please!" %) He was mixing colors and painting with the results. And asked me to use them in my work ;) I ended up with this spread in my sketchbook and he laughed at it ;)

Hobbit Hole

Hobbit Hole, originally uploaded by apple-pine.

I am dreaming about making my own house sometimes ;)

I read an article about this hobbit hole - a really interesting experience and a nice home ;)

Here is more info about it and source of photos which I used to make these :)

Illustration Friday: Cracked

Well, it's supposed to be fun and not a finished art piece - so here it is - what I drew during warming up today based on Illustration Friday theme ;)
Illustration Friday: Cracked

Self Portrait After Run

Self Portrait After Run, originally uploaded by apple-pine.

Not a lot of strength left for drawing - did a quick Pitt Brush Pen sketch and was happy to be done with it :) A very hot day to run!


Waiting and sketching, originally uploaded by apple-pine.

I am back form my wonderful trip and have quite a few new spreads to share about New York but since theer was not time to scan any, here is a batch form last month.

These were done while waiting at the car service center. Good people - they had Lego and comfy chairs for their customers of all ages ;)


Combo Page

Combo Page, originally uploaded by apple-pine.

Shoreline park view sketch done on a single piece of watercolor paper and taped in my sketchbook over an evening drawing of whatever is in front of me :)

Ink and watercolor with ball point pen.

A day between parks :)

Things to do in a sand :), originally uploaded by apple-pine.

My rotring art pen is leaking a little - I did this spread and was out of ink - and only when I found a cap full of it I realized why.
Tree and rock climbing :)
Good day between parks :)

My car is getting fixed

My car is getting fixed, originally uploaded by apple-pine.

Some people broke into my car and stole an old backpack. I am sure they are thrilled to have a bottle of water, 5 diapers, a pack of wet wipes, diaper rush cream, rain poncho and a couple of old tennis balls.

So I had a specialist stop by to fix the car - and get sketched!

My car is getting fixed

Part of a spread

Part of a spread, originally uploaded by apple-pine.

I usually scan my sketchbooks in batches and sort later. Sometimes more than what I intended gets scanned and sometimes it looks like fun to post ;)

Self Portrait After Run - March 2009

I tried to catch myself squinting - it was a hot day and a great run, worthy of bright colors ;)