November happened super fast! There was a lot of daily sketching between many projects most of which I cannot share (for various reasons). Still, there is an exciting adventure ahead of me - and a hint of what I will be using on this adventure can be found in what's on my table on the first day of December!
Thanksgiving Weekend Brings Pocket Sketching Back
It's been one complicated year! One of my Thanksgiving traditions is to start wrapping up projects and write lists - lists of gratitude, lists of dreams, lists of plans, lists of what worked and what did not this year. I will continue this throughout the end of the year as it is a lengthy project for a planning maniac like me :) But one important thing that already came out of this "pause and regroup" is I cleaned my sketchkit (actually several that blended into one), streamlined it, and while I took some lovely walks, I collected some treasures and drew - in pockets of time, in pocket sketchbooks, with my pocket kits.
Drawing People As They Work Instead of Working
It was Monday and I was planning to do a lot of work. There was A LOT of noise. The rain did not stop anyone. Lively conversation in between the sounds of power tools with some words that I could recognize. No work was happening on my side of the window. Solution? Draw the wonderful mayhem that everyday life is :)