Drawing People

My people drawing these days has a few stable outlets: my mirror, my parents, and two fantastic online portrait parties (I am a fan of Pencils4Tea on Thursdays and DrawingIsFree on Mondays). 
I will share some results from my encounters with the mirror and my sketches of parents in separate posts - but here are my latest portrait parties:

Virtual Traveling (with Street View World Tour) - Lisbon, Portugal!

I traveled (virtually) to Lisbon this week!  (It is definitely on my list of places to visit in real life - but for now this was great! :) I joined monthly online gathering of #streetviewworldtour - and had lots of fun drawing with a nice group of people (there were MANY this time!). 

This month a guest artist was Koosje Koene whose art I've been following for quite some time. Her presentation was wonderfully candid and her love for pentel pocket brush is something I share! 


If you are not familiar - A Street View World Tour is a fun, no-pressure gathering hosted by Jenny Adam and Eleanor Doughty via Gage Academy. You can learn more about these monthly free events and about these locations at the links above. 

My previous participations include a trip to Kharkiv, Ukraine where I was the guest artist, Drawing Sky HolesKenyaBoatsNight LifeHawaiian FoliageLight and Shadow, and Japan, Ohio, Arizona and TaipeiConvenience Stores Around the World, Castles (I am quite sure that I participated in a few more but I am not sure I ever posted about them - will try to find and add to this collection!)

Avocados on Bookshelves

I learned recently that avocados (at least from the tree that I know) do not ripen on a tree - which is very convenient. We get one or two avocados every few days, create a chain of avocados on the bookshelves and then eat them as they slowly get ready. Or draw them.
Here are some from the last week's sketchbook :)

My Table Garden: Dark Red Ruffled African Violet and Not Lavender

I am in a hectic season at the moment and have only little snatches of time to work in my sketchbook. So having a table garden (a plant or two sitting on my art table) is my way to ensure that when I sit down and face the page and clock (which often says "5 minutes") - I spend no time debating what to draw. It also presents me with a chance to notice little changes in my plant. Create an interesting pattern made out of drawing the same object - like when you draw with a spirograph - the first line usually looks strange but when you make several they start to look like magic. The same is happening with me and drawing the same object several days in a row: I begin to see magic :)

Presenting my January Table Garden Heros: Dark Red Ruffled African Violet! (it needs a repotting so next time you will see it in a completely new light) and "I picked you from the garden trash can" stems of not lavender.

On My Table: Beginning of February 2025.

January was a long month - so many things are happening in all corners of life! But drawing plants, playing with the art supplies (I am organizing my brushes!), and enjoying textures, are a great constant to have during all sorts of times.