Illustration Friday: insect

I did a couple of insect drawings I recently did - one is blind and another is with my eyes dashing back and forth - I am sure you can see which is which :)

Click on the image to see larger version.


  1. Nice linework in either case. Good job.

  2. Cool illos. The top one looks like a bug someone stepped on.

  3. Great drawing .... I like the second one as it is perfect!

  4. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Veru well done. Both are interesting for different reasons. The top is a nice simple line style and the bottom a very good rendering and realistic.

  5. These are both cool! The top one is a gesture of an insect and the bottom one has great detail.

  6. I am glad I posted both of them! :)

  7. Anonymous12:21 PM

    These are both very nice. The top looks more like a contour maybe even a blind contour. The bottom one is great the optical tone is beautiful your cross hatching and detail is perfect. Also very nice size. The only thing is the composition is a little boring and there is to much negative space. Though I do realize that your focus was only on the bug. It might make the drawing more interisting if there were som backgrond or even some cast shadowing.

  8. thanks, artsygl;

    these are indeed a blind contour and a more detailed drawing. I agree with your comment on composition - it definitely can be improved!

  9. Great illustration. Do you mind if I link to it from my blog Maybe I'll make a model based on your drawing. : )

  10. Thanks, Doug!

    Please feel free to link!

    I am off to explore your blog - looks very interesting ;)

  11. Anonymous11:00 AM

    what is this insect called? i find it amazing! really good artist you are!
