The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter Newsletter

I had a wonderful opportunity to illustrate two articles In the latest issue of the The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter Newsletter.

Sierra Club is a great grassroots environmental organization. These two articles cover two important local (for SF Bay area) issues:

Future California High Speed Rail and it's impact on Peninsula:
The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter

And proposal of the largest shoreline development on the SF Bay in 50 years and how it will affect local wetlands:
The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter

Click on images to see them in detail.

Full text of the articles should be available soonish online at:


  1. congrats! must have been fun to work on the project.

    I really like both illustrations.

  2. thanks! It was a really interesting though quick assignment!

  3. Anonymous11:38 PM

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