Sketching in the Snow

April Snow in Kirkwood by apple-pine
April Snow in Kirkwood, a photo by apple-pine on Flickr.

Sketching in the Snow was magical! An afternoon of weather changing: every 5 minutes it went from snow storm to calm sunshine and back.
It was really cold to sketch (20 F) but super fun to move snow with my pencil and brush pen. You can see below three sketches in chronological order :)

Before the storm:
April 2012: Sketching in the Snow

Second snow:
April 2012: Sketching in the Snow

Here is what was under the snow on the photo at the beginning of this post:
April 2012: Sketching in the Snow


  1. Love it, its great how the elements can play with the out come of a piece and you really took advantage of it and you didnt let it to stop you. Thats a beautiful view in the first sketch, and I like how the clouds roll in. I will have to try this next winter (all our snow is gone now).
