After reviewing all the ideas I had for the theme and after watching Jake Parker's video about the inktober preparedness, I decided to not fill this blog with the new images of the Badger and even forego the idea of actual INK but keep the spirit of really challenging myself to try something completely new.
I recently got an iPad with the Procreate App for my BD and played with it quite a bit. But nothing more than short bursts of trying this or that tool or color. I did not finish even one sketch - but I have a jumble of experiments piled up on top of each other in a couple of really crazy-looking files with tens of layers.
Another reason for my reluctance to use procreate for sketching was that I like keeping all my sketches organized in chronological order in my main sketchbook. I draw on whatever is available at the moment including napkins and receipts and then combine it all at the end of each day. But how do I stick a digital sketch in a sketchbook? Well, I decided to give good old printing a try :) So this month I will make small sketch every day with the goal to have it as completed as possible and with the clear understanding of what new thing I am trying every day. And it will become a part of my sketchbook.
Here is for a month of learning!