The idea was to
a) have a goal as to what exactly I am trying to learn for each day
b) have an image which is reasonably completed (and not just a bunch of lines trying different brushes)
c) share it online with a few words of what worked and what did not (I did it on instagram (
Here are all 31 drawings at a glance.

I printed them all and attached to my ongoing sketchbook as they were a record of my days and I like keeping things chronological :)
What worked:
1. Well, I worked on this task every single day in October and completed all drawings on the right days and sometimes it was hard and sometimes I was frustrated but I also found something interesting and had fun every single day. So I think it counts as overall success :)
2. Having ideas as to what exactly I am going to learn was very very helpful. Every time I worked toward well defined goal I think the result was much better.
3. I see that I can adopt this tool to the style I want to see and to the level of complexity I want to draw at - it will take time but I definitely see how it can happen.
What did not work:
1. I thought that I will adjust and add to my plan of what exactly I am learning by the mid-month but it never happened and I let it slide and worked on the whim loosing time and momentum.
2. I thought that I would utilize colors much more and I am surprised to see how few wild color experiments I fitted in this project.
You can see all the images from my #Inktober2017 in this folder: