Illustration Friday: simple

Watercolor and ink on paper.
Click on the image to get to the larger view.


  1. Simply delicious and love how the suggestion of party goers/birthday person are painted :)

  2. Nice one! I love the combination of the sketchy cake and those shadowy people in the background...

  3. love the cake! very cool silhouettes in the background.

  4. I like the ghostly quality of the people, making the cake central and most important. As it should be. *G*

  5. Ellen;

    have a piece :)

    thanks - I am glad that you liked the party on the background - I felt that it might be something you in particular would catch and enjoy - not all people who actually saw this noticed people :)

    Happy B-Day!
    I think that people are from the dark side - they might be not from this world - yes, long gone - yes, may be even never existing - but I don't think that they are mean and dark :)

    I was thinking about making the cake more detailed at first but I think it would not work with the background-group idea - too much difference...

    Creative Kismet;

    thanks for your comment. I thought of a cake being a "thing of the moment" on B-Day. It's a silence of the moment just before all candles are blown - when cake really gets all attention :)

  6. I defintely see this as the opposite of simple. A "Happy Birthday" often leads us to ponder our mortality...the shades in the background make me think of people who are gone... the slice of cake is like a slice of life. I'm probably reading too much into this... Anyway, I love the watercolor technique!

  7. carla;
    I have to aadmit that I am scared to admit to which degree you are right about this piece - but I still think that this is a very simple thing :)
