Sketching till the end of the book and grazing geese behavior :)

It was a great day, very nice walk but bit of a fiasco in terms of sketching... I took lots of supplies, had someone to occupy my sketching menace of a son, prepared to work and... and I found out that I am on the very last page of this sketchbook. And some 30 miles away form the nearest store :) So I used what I had - unfinished page from the previous day and last page and inside back cover etc. The worst thing it that it kind-of put me off starting a new book... but in a day I overcame the obstacle ;)

July 4-5, 2008 - last pages of the book #19 July 5, 2008 - last pages of the book #19

These geese had a very peculiar behavior! One was always on the guard. Another one would be eating, without a moment to spare for us or it's companion. But the guard one had both eyes on any potential danger - checking the horizon all the time, not even looking on the ground under it's feet. We looked at them for quite a while and then saw a switch: the watching goose lowered it's head to the ground as if to take a bite of the dry grass - but his eyes were on his grazing companion. And the eating one looked at him and immediately stopped eating, stretched it's neck to the full length and started looking around - immediately becoming the watching one.


  1. this is really fun! I love the way you "captured" the geese!

  2. observing the critters and their behaviors is one of the best things about sketching inthe field as far as my mind goes. Love the geese! you caught them just right!!

  3. terrific especially those geese they are superb

  4. Great use of what little space you did have. Love the geese story.

  5. These are great sketches, especially those geese!

  6. *grin* I started my previous book with geese ;) They make interesting models dont they? ;)

  7. Your geese sketches are great!

  8. Great sketches - these geese are perfect! - and very interesting post! Now I understand better why the Romans used geese as guard "dogs"!

  9. Your sketches are excellent. Interesting behavior, love figuring out that sort of thing...

  10. Your geese sketches are awesome! What a bummer about being at the end of the book, but what a way to end it! Great job! Marva

  11. thanks, Mindy!

    Stephanie - I agree - observing critters and learning about them through drawing is what I enjoy in these sketches!

    Scquiltaddict, Deborah, Ann - thanks for visiting and commenting!

    Spinneretta - thanks - geese are a great way to begin the book!

    Deb and Kazumi - thanks! I did not know about the gees are guard dogs - and happy to learn!

    thanks Tami and Marva! I am now rather happy that I did spend time looking at geese instead of planned stuff :)
