Daily reports in the form of the portraits - war in Ukraine. April 7-8, 2002

Сonversations with my parents. They are in Kharkiv, Ukraine, the city is being shelled by russian army since February 24, 2022.

April 7, 2022
They made fried fish for dinner and did not go out - there was some construction on the street. We talk about how different literature and other art (and foods) serve at one time and do not work at other times. And how sometimes there is a line or two in a poem that speaks to us and the rest can be thrown away but without the rest, there is no whole.

April 8, 2022
It was a loud day - russian artillery continues to pound the city. Their street was swiped by municipal workers today and it was raining when we spoke so it will look fresh and clean tomorrow. Economical questions and memories filled conversation today - the evolution of the price of Mom's favorite baked product is as interesting as Dad's indignation about current broom prices.

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