Testing Some Sketch Kit and Exercise Ideas for a Workshop

I am preparing for an upcoming workshop with wonderful Suhita and Uma in Asilomar (I will make a more detailed post with more info soon). An important thing to know about it - we ran it in 2022 and had so much fun and good feedback that we are running it again this year. Original idea was to repeat the curriculum in general - but after some conversations between us all three realized that there are so many new ideas that we could not just let it be the same! And so we are working on making a portable sketch kit to give to all participants and a bunch of new exercises to show our three different ways of mark-making, texture exploration, and the general joy of finding patterns in what we see and choose to sketch.
A few days ago we met to try some of the exercises - there was a lot of laughter, some singing, and amazingly little ink spillage but some fingers got dirty - especially when I realized that I want to add gouache to my stencils and try some things that went beyond what I planned! 
We will see how much of this will stay in the final curriculum - but for now - lots and lots of experiments with different tools to add texture and make unique marks!

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