A Trip to the Zoo (Sketching FAST!)

I got a chance to visit the Oakland Zoo and had a great time trying to capture moving animals. 

I witnessed a training session of the Elephant (her name is Osh) - the handler would spread her arms and the elephant would show her ears. And the training of the geriatric male colony of fruit bats - the trainer showed her palms with the fingers spread and the fruit bat would open up its wings. I believe this is so that an accurate assessment of the state of the animal can be made and not for the benefit of the public - but the public definitely enjoyed the show. There was a lion who was hiding so well that only a baby who was looking in the most obscure place was able to notice a tail - and we followed a happy scream and also saw a tail :) 
It was a hot day and many were hiding in the shade - some of that shade looked so inviting that I would not mind hiding there myself. Perhaps in a Hyena exhibit? Or with gibbons! (there is a baby gibbon at Oakland Zoo!) 


  1. Love the energy of all these sketches. In particular the sitting gibbon - you express so much with such an economy of lines!

    1. thank you - sketching animals is so much joy for me - I think I can live in the zoo! :) (there are people too ;)
