Voting is Important!

This election season I am participating in writing letters through the Vote Forward Campaign. This is a "nonprofit organization that empowers grassroots volunteers to send handwritten letters encouraging fellow Americans to vote" - from

After growing up in Ukraine under the soviet regime the participation in democratic governance that I now have as a citizen of the United States is a privilege, right, and also an obligation. Democracy works only as long as we are taking part in it, this is why I encourage everyone to vote - and this campaign allows me to reach more people. And with handwritten letters! (meaning hand-drawn :) 

I cannot share with you samples of the letters as they contain personal information but here are some quick looks at envelopes and calligraphy that I am doing as well as decoration of envelopes with original drawings and prints as well as stickers that are in the works! I am trying to make letters that I would be excited to open and read ;)

You can be a part of this process too - there is still time to sign up and write letters!

And please vote!

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