Google Orb!

I had a great time sketching the Orb installation at the Google Headquarters / Google Experience in Mountain View. This sculpture was created by Marc Fornes @theverymany - and we chose it for our sketching outing with @suhitasketch this week. 

I saw the sculpture in different light conditions and with a crowd of people around and by itself - and it was wonderfully intriguing every time. The building in the background is the famous Gradient Canopy and deserves a separate sketching outing by itself. I sketched its brother - Bayview last year - in black, white and pink and in gouache

We had a little over an hour to work on this and I feel like there needs to be another attempt (or several) but I am happy to share these black-and-white versions.

There is a little video with the process:

I encourage you to visit Suhita's version on her instagram - it is so colorful and textured - when I look at it I can feel how sunny the day was and how the shadows of the surfaces created cool areas!

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