Jan 31 - back in the park

Jan 31 - back in the park, originally uploaded by apple-pine.

Drawing kids is definitely a challenge compared to drawing wild animals - they move unexpectedly, always and rarely come back to the same place/strike the same pose :) So I start a few sketches on the same page hoping to come back - and sometimes it works and other times it feels like leaving things unfinished tells the story about that ball toss even better :)
Jan 31 - back in the park
But a new game - or a favorite pastime - like drawing with chalk or making cars go through the sand tunnel are keeping my subjects at list temporarily in one area :)

Moms and Dads are much easier to sketch in our park outings: tired, watchful, they enjoy a minute of quiet time without much movement (most of them at least ;)Jan 31 - back in the park

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