November 28, 2010: Hiking

November 28, 2010: Hiking, originally uploaded by apple-pine.

My current book is large: Bee Paper Super Deluxe Aquabee 9" x 12" and I realized that it's too much to carry with me - especially in colder weather and with all the extra hats-gloves etc. that I keep in my backpack these days. As a result it's nice paper is being filled with post-it sketches from whatever paper was available... I used to have several books running at once bu it seems to be a much better resource when everything is under one cover.

Today was rather cold so I did these while waiting for my companions to finish lunch or to catch up with me - and finished some at home after a nice cup of tea ;)

November 28, 2010: Hiking

Sketchbook #50

Sounds like a nice round number and sounds like a lot. But it's not ;)

November Skies: My Obstacles

November 5, 2010: Sky, originally uploaded by apple-pine.

Two nights in a row I was painting in the park trying to find my way through these obstacles:
1. Sky changing very fast.
2. High humidity: hard to make any details/drop second layer or add anything but the very first impression. Had to do that in almost complete darkness and even finish one tree details later.
3. Well wishing adults and kids all of a sudden explaining what I should add and asking why something does not look exactly like this etc.

November 4, 2010: Sky

November 5, 2010: Sky