One wonderfully sunny morning I saw a hummingbird dive into a tree just outside my kitchen window. And then again. And again. There were quite a few old leaves still on the tree and quite a few new ones - but with a bit of searching and binoculars I soon realized that there is a new nest in progress!
I was very excited and kept my observations (from a quiet spot), took notes on how often the bird would grab a piece of spiderweb from my succulents or how she would stop by the fuchsia flower for a snack. And I tried to sketch - though it was pretty hard - with the amount of camouflage and a need for binoculars to see even a little bit. You can see most of my sketches below.
Unfortunately at some point the nest was abandoned. There was a big rain and who knows what else might have contributed but the project was scrapped without investing into eggs.
I know that the bird is well as she keeps coming to take parts of this nest and flies away with them :)