Teapot as a sign that the year has started.

The year does not start for me at 12.01 on January first. This switch is an accumulation of little steps that turn the ring of seasons in my head to some sort of beginning. We put away decorations. We put up new calendars. Festive food plans give place to more healthy and pragmatic choices. Books are no longer littering every surface but are put in stacks in the order they will be read. Piles of "backburner", hopes and musts are reworked into a heap of fresh new year plans and goals. And I go back to my routines. One of which is drinking lots of tea and drawing my teapot. So this is an official portrait of my current teapot and a sign that this year is officially in progress! 


  1. I like all the personal rituals that signal the start of the fresh year for you! I agree that the calendar is arbitrary. I always think of my birthday as the first day of a new year! :-)

    1. Oh that's a very proper name to look at the year's circle! Or is it square for you? Oval? Zigzag? :)
