Experiments with printmaking: gelli plate

I've been experimenting with some new (for me) printmaking for a little while. There are some forms of etching and gelli plating, as well as more stamping and new ways to do diatipia. So far none of it actually made it into my workflow for bigger projects but little bits and pieces of knowledge are accumulating! Interesting textures and colors can be found in the detritus of this learning process and they are showing up here and there in my sketchbooks - as a part of a collage, as a background for a portrait sketch or on-location painting - things like that. 
Most of these experiments happen when I work on my own but lately, I started to log some of the experiments that amazing teacher and friend Suhita Shirodkar shared with me. 
Images below are image transfers and I decided to log some results and a snapshot of some tools here - as a way to record where this whole thing might be heading :) You cannot see the gelli plate because it is transparent and freshly washed - but it is a big part of current adventures!
If images below look like a variations of the same theme bordering on repetition of the same - it is because they are - that is part of a printmaking fun.


  1. I want to combine these with your early line-transfer print experiments: the carbon paper and the colorful acetate ones... I guess fall and winter is for indoor experimenting? something to look forward to!

    1. that's a great plan! I have some other things to add to that experiment :)
