Two Museums: Looking at Life through Art from Japan, Europe, and Africa.

I recently had a chance to visit two museums and below are some of the notes and sketches I did there. 

The first exhibition was "Japanese Prints in Transition: From the Floating World to the Modern World" at the Legion of Honor Museum of San Francisco centered around 250 years of the history of Japan seen through many woodblock prints by many artists. Some of these were pieces I knew and there were many discoveries. I had a lot of fun tracking down different patterns, plants, cats, and facial expressions! A very interesting part about propaganda and pop-culture too. If you get a chance to visit this art show I would highly recommend it! 

I am now on the hook: getting books on Japanese folklore and art books filled with more woodblock prints!

The second museum was Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University where I split my time between In Dialogue: African Arts and Auguste Rodin: The Shock of the Modern Body. Rodin's exhibit nicely segues to the outdoors where sculptures were available in a park setting with lots of live people around them. A lovely experience! 

p.s. an idea of a fantasy coffin sent me down the rabbit hole of exploring this amazing part of culture of Ghana. (This is how I found out about existence of The National Museum of Funeral History).


  1. wow, you have been down a few rabbit holes ! how exciting! gotta talk more aobut that woodblock exhibit when we next meet!

    1. it was marvelous and much more eye opening than I expected :)
