Fig Tree: and update (and a mystery)

An adventure with the Fig tree part one is here. This week we lost two more figs - one just fell off. Now that I am learning more about this whole tree-care thing it seems like figs go through a settling period when the fruits do not ripen - and that is quite normal. Yet I tasted this one - it was better than the previous but still not ripe and still of a "fig for drawing, not for eating".

However, there was another fig. THE F I G. Our tree is not a fair parent and decided that one fig would get all the resources. This particular beauty started to gain color and weight at a much more rapid rate than others, the progress was visible every day! 

One evening I drew it and thought that I would add color an ornamental header to that drawing in the morning. BUT IN THE MORNING THE FIG WAS GONE! It took me quite some time to find its remains.  I am yet to decide if this page will have color. And a new header for the drawing now reads "drama of a stolen fig". 

It was found quite far from the tree and by using all my detective abilities (after all there should be a use for reading all the mysteries) I deciphered that some animal (squirrel is on the top of my list of suspects) stole the fig from the tree, and tried to eat it but probably got distracted and went to eat something else. Or the fig was not that tasty... (though this one looked ripe and tasty to me). And now ants were having a party to finish off the poor thing.

Other than  the events above, this week the tree did not lose any leaves and there are still fruits (I know they are actually flowers and all - but will call them fruits for digestion purposes) - waiting for their turn to be added to this saga. I will keep you posted.

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