Camellias in a different medium

Last week I posted my "work in progress" on catching camellia colors in my sketchbook. While I struggled with the color problem I had a lovely art date with a friend whom I promised to show my experiments with gelli plate monoprinting. I've been accumulating all sorts of knowledge about this tantalizing texture-making yet amazingly hard-to-control relatively new medium and we made a nice pile of "I wonder what will happen if I try this" and a few "here is how I can make a drawing and then make a print out of it" pages - here are some that did not make it to the recycling can immediately. 


First one is gelli place painting, second is a print pulled from the second image, last image is a third print pulled from the same original plate. Second print got trashed because I used too wet page to get it - the paper got ripped.
We were having too much fun for taking photos of the process :)

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