Cooking Disaster - Illustrated

I enjoy cooking for an everyday chance to experiment, an opportunity to work with other people, and, frankly, because I love to eat. In particular, I like making desserts and one of the reasons is because I get to eat them and then draw them and then eat more of them. Making cookies is such a satisfying thing - while you are working a dough you can get a lot of energy out of your system, or in when you are tasting them :) I've been making oatmeal cookies for years and some come out as good as a song, others are great, sometimes they are a reliable staple, but recently I had a batch that... was a fiasco. 
After tasting this cardboard I realized that I forgot to put sugar and it is actually a very much needed ingredient for other components to work! It melts and binds and seeps and it makes the cookie a cookie! 
After a day or two I made a fresh batch - just to mend my discolored self-esteem and because I wanted an oatmeal cookie - and this time my creation was devoured with the usual speed - so all is good now. Lesson learned!

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