One Week 100 People 2025

This week I took part in #oneweek100people challenge hosted by @lizsteelart and - they run this challenge every year - sometimes via facebook, sometimes on instagram - but the idea is to give your people sketching muscles a workout for a week. I tried to take part in this challenge in 2020 - here is a post that details how I prepared (the world closed up by the end of that week - not many people drawing happened for a long while after). Then I did a fun one in 2021. In 2022 and 2023 I skipped these as the war in Ukraine consumed all the spare resources. But 2024 this was one challenge that I went back to and actually completed.  
For 2025 I decided to make it about my community and sketch on location. During the week of March 3rd I walked, biked and drove around my neighborhood to capture people as they were going about their week. 
What helped me was 
  1. Having a very simple set of tools in my shoulder bag (see below) ready to go
  2. Scheduling time (mostly at the end of my lunch hour) throughout the week to do this.
  3. Having a list of potential places to go ready (so that if there is no energy to make a choice - I have a good default - see below).
Here are my 100 people: kids at school, people in the park, at stores, in the old folks home and in the library and at the protest. 

1 comment:

  1. I 💚 the volleyball players! Such efficient and elegant use of line!!
