Post office visit

Post office - II, originally uploaded by apple-pine.
These are my sketches from the visit to the post office during Holiday Rush. People were entertained by me sketching almost as much as I was and all in all line went rather quickly ;)

I finished my book number 26 and have a lot to share - but somehow it makes it harder to do than when I have a few pages - perhaps because I am trying to keep to many connections visible only to me together where you hardly care about what happened before what ;) So to make things move smoother I will keep posting: about my issues with the sketchbook number 26, about my New Year adventure, about many great presents I received, new projects I have - and you will make connections where needed - perhaps with a little use of some tags ;)

Post office - I

1 comment:

  1. Solid sketches, straightforward and direct!
