Daily reports in the form of the portraits - war in Ukraine. March 25-27, 2002

My conversations with my parents.  They are in Kharkiv, Ukraine, the city is being shelled by russian army for over four weeks.

March 25, 2022.
I spoke to many people today before we had a video call with parents. People were tired, unbalanced, not sure how to make any plans. But everyone commented on the fact that spring is coming to Ukraine, told me about a sip of coffee in the sunshine or unbuttoned jacket or a flower bulb that is starting up. Parents told me that tomorrow they are hoping for a little walk and are planning a mushroom soup.

March 26, 2022.
The biggest news is that my Mom saw the first batch of snowdrops near the apartment building, and it made their day! There was one buttercup too :) There was rain at night but it was impossible to see as there are no lights in the streets and no lights are allowed in the apartments - they are using a tiny flashlight to move around after the curfew starts. Mom is looking forward to the time when she can have as many lights on as she wants - this life in the darkness is really hard for her.
She was a child during WWII and she has a document that allowed her to ride the subway in Ukraine for free - as a "child of war". Dad says - we need another document now - grandparents of war. Wait, great-grandparents.

March 27, 2022.
The weather was challenging all day long but Mom got out for a little walk. And there were new icicles to photograph. We talk about her teaching which is supposed to start on Monday. They tell me about special foods they tried at different points of their lives - all over the country and all over the "old country". Neighbors made some bread with herbs and brought it over to share.

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